# justiceforgeorgesfloyd blacklivesmatter endpolicebrutality icantbreath georgefloyd nicocomix trump usa proteste fumetti vignette georgeflyod georgefloydmurder donaldtrumpresignnow donaldtrumpresign donaldtrump policeviolence racism political trump2020 donaldout usaonfire usaprotests vote hatetrumpslove 2020election 2020electioncartoons inciteviolence civilrights voting voters blm stoprapingwomen martinlutherkingquotes justiceforgeorgefloyd stopracism acknowledgeyourprivilege hongkong hongkongprotest hkpolicebrutality hkpoliceterrorists hkpolice policestate 香港 警暴 art artistssupportblm digitalart digitalillustration heavypaint riots stopkillingus blacklivesdontmatter justiceforgeorge nojusticenopeace nojusticenopeaceprosecutethepolice breonnataylor breaking georgefloydprotest georgelloyd derekchauvin justice justiceforahmaud hate police america racisminamerica crime murder petition policeofficer black icantbreathe trumpracist georgefloydwasmurdered blacklivesmatters minneapolis minneapolispolice satira satirapolitica artist endracisminamerica cartoon editorialcartoon 每日警暴實錄 22號事件薄 22timeline 22may2020 香港警暴 黑警死全家 黑警還眼 黑警 sailormoon sailonmoonredraw eye4hk eye4shooting hongkongpolicebrutality hongkongpoliceterrorism mothersday hkprotest yellowillugulu illustration michiganterrorists whiteprivilege lockdownprotest amerikkka domesticterrorists hongkongprotests 光復香港時代革命 香港デモ boycottmulan mulan hkpolicestate coronavirus 香港創作

Titled: Bondage
Looking at this, you see a young woman bent in an uncomfortable fashion with what looks to be her hands tied.
This is to show the current state of the world right now.
Put and End to these Bondages


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I made a draw about what happened to George Floyd.. I'm just too mad with the world now...

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母親節 快樂?
係香港 旺角一個商場入面 有手抱的小朋友 中椒
片段入面 小朋友受到胡椒球彈嘅刺激 以及黑警嘅槍聲嚇親 狂喊
仲未ready嘅 呢刻開始練體能啦。

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A difficult time now. Let’s not forget our bros & sis who are trapped. Write them card or be at the hearings if you can.

法庭時間表Schedule: https://t.co/Xat5dq7n9m

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