'The Gods from Outerspace" was a short-lived large format comic book series based on Erich von Daeniken's 'Chariot of the Gods" book. The astronauts are carving the Nazca lines.

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Asasiel is a powerful Lyran lightbeing who serves as Ashtar's avatar in the upcoming SKY GODZ graphic novel.

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Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the smartest and most likeable characters.

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Early sketch of Anunnaki security officer Emmer from the Maputo Base in South Africa.


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Cryptid post! I've been fascinated by cryprids for a long time but never understood the connection between various snowmen abd UFOs. Do you get it?


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Beings from Alnitak (Orion Belt) are members of the Orion League to fight against the oppression of the Orion Empire.

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The classic anime soace opera "Legend of Galactic Heroes" is an epic influence on SKY GODZ.


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Light beings from the planet Teka in the Lyras constellation are angelic and peacful before being destroyed on the Great Lyran Wars.

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Huitzilopchtli is the the god of war and the sun in Aztec mythology. He's also the patron god of the Mexicas...

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14) Toothy is a fan of UFOs and cryptozoology. He loves the mysteries around it, the stories told by people, the pictures taken, ever if they're fake or not, he loves the vibes on it and do also his own researches.

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