

🎐風箕 紫乃 役 みやこなん


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🏰夜月 統也 役 風乃ティユ


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🍁御沢 京 役 桐生りな


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> salvatore armeni
- he/him - doberman mix - 6’8

he works as chief of police / detectives after having served twelve years with the marines, chasing carnations

he is in a relationship with silke :]

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Here's a drawing I made of Moreau, I based his per-mutated image off his voice actor Jesse.

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Hl. Wilhelm Von Maleval Als Büßer, 1645

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トロ川様作:『The Hog Game』

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the fallen angels by salvatore, 1893

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One of the saddest things about art history is that certain influential critics come along and ruin the reputation of great artists. Salvator Rosa (1615 – 1673) is one such artist.

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Retweet this image to scare Dan Salvato

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N’ auciello freddigliuso
aspetta ch’esce ‘o sole,
ncopp’’o tturreno nfuso
suspireno ‘e vviole.
Catarì!…Che buo’ cchiù?
Ntiénneme, core mio!
Marzo, tu ‘o ssaie, si’ tu,
e st’ auciello songo io.

Marzo - Salvatore di Giacomo

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Il coraggio e il buon cuore di Armin hanno salvato Falco 🥺
Questa scena fa sempre malissimo, anche lo sguardo di Connie 💔

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Dal mare uno Spiro salino e in alto lassù si disegna la luna, bianco buliginio, cauto e malcerto, come esitante fra notte e giorno.
Lea Goldberg ✒️

Salvatore Fergola 🎨
Notturno a Capri

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"As I became a creature of the empty tunnels, survival became easier and more difficult all at once. . . My enemy was solitude, the interminable, incessant silence of hushed corridors." ― R.A. Salvatore, Exile
Art by Kristina Carroll

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Salvatore Frangiamore, March 26, 1853 - February 18, 1915, Italian painter, A recital

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he soñado que discutía con dos gemelas que se colaban a mi casa y de repente venía stefan salvatore y les decía enfadado oYE QUE OS ESTÁ HABLANDO HACEDLE CASO y yo en plan stefan........... i cant.......

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