"Post 4 fictional characters that mean the world to you" this is just asking me to dox myself asdfghjk (tagged by @/FluxZanza)


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Alvis is good, but he's hung around Zanza enough that he smells a little too much like lemons

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レンミヤ・アレキシア --- Renmia Alexia
"As being a newbie, Kathrandra requested Zanshi to look after Renmia when they both become adventurers."
"Giving kindness at best, Renmia fall in love with Zanshi."
"As being her Senpai, Zanshi will have to protect her!"

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リンチャン --- Lynnchan
"The middle sister of the Beastwings."
"Along with her sisters, they're former members of Ryu Yachi's Army."
"When rescuing Miaoji, she wanted to side with Zanryu due to her interests in him."

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This is getting hard for me to keep on working, but I am still trying very hard to get my game playable for the latest access!

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Mystery commission done for @ zanza.labs (on insta)

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Thicc, Thighs, Tights... FAP!! 😚😚😚
Oops! Here we go, again! 😁😋😊

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Have you ever noticed that zanza from has sephiroth's hair style?

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I don't even know who jonesy is.

Also have anyone noticed that zanza from has sephiroth's hair style?

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Meet the Pirate who wants to part ways from his crew and start anew by joining the Zan Brigade!

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I'm doing a "Wow, I can't believe Xord beat Zanza in the Xeno Awards art giveaway!"
Winner will get a flat colored bust of any character, OC, canon, etc.

-RT to THIS tweet to enter
-Must be following me to win, but please don't unfollow right after

Ends 12/14/20

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Cute OCs in Pantyhose! Once they were a freelancer or a member of a different army, they freely join the Zan Brigade with friendship, reliability, support, trust, and love.

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It's time for SUDDEN DEATH!

This is going to last for ONE HOUR until 4:20 PM! I didn't mean for it to line up like that, but considering the absurdity of this situation, it's only fitting, I guess!


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Zhao Kasarai - The Zhao Yun counterpart and Pre-promote Cavalry unit which resembles Oifey.

He is skilled with Lances just like Zhao Yun does character-wise.

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Kuma Goda - The Dadgar of the ZanZanryu game.
A pre-promote Axefighter with Jagen Growths, but has base stats to hope up to it.
He is the father of Halvan and Sanari.

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THANK YOU EMMA AND PUPPY, ED LOOKS SO (tall) CUTE!!!! Ed, Enta, Zanza and Audric deserve a little Christmas cheer after all the shit we’ve put them through...as a treat 🥺


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