I got the lighting done! All I need to do now is add the buildings and maybe add some particle effects!!

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ok i forgot to add the tail so i added it and started playing with particles and colors

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Some Lighting and Particle Effects for this Marvelous Lady.
Credit to u/generic_male_51 for creating the awesome bodysuit texture!

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Style Frames by Alex Maltsev .am.maltsev. 🙌 Follow us, tag your friends and tell us what you think in the comments for more great content!⠀

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Khaos is a powerful add-on that allows artists to create custom 3D explosions in seconds. Procedurally add various particle effects including fire, smoke, glass, concrete, rocks, & much more. KHAOS is a key for streamlining your VFX work! https://t.co/5zLBizunAO

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Cool video by models what happens when a star on an eccentric orbit gets too close to its galaxy's The feeds an accretion disk, which in turn powers a particle jet that beams radiation toward

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A needs animated NEON SIGNS.

Just figured out how to create frame animations by exploiting our particle system... :) Stay tuned for the patch: https://t.co/Mtr6vRToYE

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Whenever I see TFs crying, I like to imagine it looks something like this. Light with liquid particle effects

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My research & practice looks at observation & representation in particle physics, particularly neutrinos experiments--hence why I'm visiting Fermilab! I spend a lot of time trying to understand everything that underpins data visualisations like these two.

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Made our hurricane art into a giant swirling particle system with lightning flashes!

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Lovely animation and particle effects

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Fevvers. Blender has a whole toolset I didn't know existed until now: Particle edit mode 🤔 comb them furs

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I love the cat and dog skins, especially their particles

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