# middleearth frodobaggins tolkien lordoftherings hobbits peetlordoftherings lotrart peetlotr thelordoftherings bilbobaggins samwisegamgee fellowshipofthering jrrtolkien frodo illustration thelordoftheringsart tolkienart warhammercommunity lotr warmongers wepaintminis azogart thehobbit art thehobbitart gandalf azog fanart thehobbitedit lordoftheringsart sauron fantasy hobbit silmarillion azogthedefiler thehobbitfanart thesilmarillion sauronart lordoftheringsfan sauronedit lotrfanart melkoredit melkorsilmarillion morgothart tolkienfan thesilmarillionfans melkorappreciation morgoth melkor turin beleg childrenofhurin childrenofhurinart thesilmarillionart aragorn dainironfoot dainironfootart tolkiendwarves thorinthursday dailyarmitage richardarmitage thorin thorinoakenshield king dwarf majestic thursday thor tombombadilart tombombadil johnhowelordoftherings johnhowe gwaihirart gwaihirthewindlord gwaihir gandalfthegrey moria mistymountains billthepony fantasyart epic dragons witcher fantastico minastirithart minastirith hildebrandt fantasyartwork scifiart timhildebrandt edoras rohan landscape mountains artforsale buyart returnoftheking film filmart instaart instapic instaartist artstagram artistsoninstagram legolas legolasedit legolasart legolasgreenleaf eomerlotr eomeredit thelordoftheringsartists thelordoftheringsartwork eömer eomer ivancavini eomerart ivancaviniart whenthebloodhasdried comic story wip witchkingofangmar rohirrimart witchkingofangmaredit rohirrim theoden lordoftheringsartwork

Warriors of Minas Tirith! Whatever comes through those gates, they will stand their ground! (Artist Unknown)

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the favorite hobby of Meabh, messing up with Feargus, ha!
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