I laid on the floor with a cold glass of water against my forehead, letting sunlight shimmer on my near asleep eyes as I vowed to kiss him when I was well enough. It never happened. The fevers weren't simply contagious. They were deadly.

7 56

the shadow of Hades upon me
laden with insecurity
once our love was my surety
your poetry now a cacophony
cannot adapt or set myself free
a ghost of the woman I used to be


6 21

Obstinate yearning
within a jasmine flush
Burning legacy
of hallowed dreams
We sleep below
nova skies
& perish
in perfect screams.

~Art~ Anna Ignatieva

18 72

for him left her and bitter. Unable to her true feelings, she watched him slip away. He took her love and crushed it dismissively beneath his heel. Her tears riped apart the heavens.

0 4

Mardi Gras

Soon it will be ”Fat Tuesday”, the Lenten season is upon us—where of celebrations are in full effect & past times to reflect. A time to the new & of the old—a spiritual festivity—a time to ”let the good times roll”.✍️🏽#vss365

1 5

Song ditty 🎶

Into the depths of confusion
You know how to my brain
I'm in a state of delusion
You got me playing your game
I'm a puppet in your riddle
Tied up in for life
You pull my strings a little
The joker dances tonight

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Our passionate melody
Is now impassioned whispers of anger
Love has become our prison
Where our history won't help our present
It is time to face the music
We're just another song of goodbye
And I'm singing it for you

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The biggest voices come from unseen places. They can be caveats to our spirit or act as the riparian zone where unnecessary noise goes to become zephyrs on warm days. Choose the latter whenever possible. We deserve that leap before flying.

3 37

Time is a commodity

...you can never get back—use it unwisely & it throws you off track. But here's the ”If you wear a suit of armour & deal with past karma, the universe will offer you a gift.” Most miss out on the opportunity—dealing with toxic energies.#BraveWrite✍🏾

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The silence of you
rises through misty moonlight
still for endless nights
my brain keeps filling the blanks
to all unanswered questions

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Some lead, others follow, many —In life, I there are no guarantees or tricks to assume like chasing dragonfly’s with wings and colors of plume.✍🏽#BraveWrite

2 6

It was my fault for being so
A thousand years I've been trapped here, the and nature of my prison a small tarnished lamp
No matter how I scream no one can hear me
Silently I wait
Till another fool comes to take my place

3 28

A special time to be alive!

It was the year of the mystical, magical, pivotal year. A transformative year of realities & falling in love. ‘Tis the of love, deep as the sea & soul—and a time to cultivate the unforetold. ✍🏽#vss365

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Mythically Speaking

The god’s adore my wit, they let me have my way. I toil, I I mesmerize---And oftentimes I play.
I in my own skin---until Zeus reigns me in. And when others create verses in gardens gate.#Bravewrite ✍🏾

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I saw myself
from a vision
of painted oceans

an omen I would
the dichotomy
of wild rides and slow nights

Gif: Pinterest

6 14


Some are built to last, divinely guided like a soul mate or twin flame with a whisper of the spirit & the calling of the name while Angels roar for the at worthy of merit—for that which they inherit.✍️🏽#vss365

3 14

The icicles around her heart slowly melted.
The thaw began at the start of the year, when she escaped from her cold marriage. Continued to warm as she found her strength, then flamed and beat with the magical discovery of true love and kindness.

16 65

death is not serene
…for the living
we may blind ourselves
to the grief
choose to sway our thoughts
away from memories
in time
smooth as whispered angel wings
we hear a voice affirm
their amaranthine love

7 18

Pastel hues strewn on sky's face
Wanton Clouds strolling adorned in gold hem lace
Surreal sunflowers raising heads to greet the deity sun
Tender leaves bowing gracefully in reverence
Teaching us the lessons of life
Rise,Stand tall&keep the spirits high


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