this ended up looking kinda angsty;;; I promise they're having a good time sdfsg

4 12

a quick thronjack to make up for the last one...

22 62

NIKE [キッズサイズ]NIKE YTH Bball Hero Tee 黒

1 2

Amazing Ironjawz army Da Mourntoofs by

8 52

Apologies for incessant pics but I'm so close now! Got the blue and oramge pretty much done. So really closing in now...also for something different a WIP CP counter!

10 64

just polished off these ladz. Defo broken the back of the army now!

6 47

Been getting some details done on these 2 party-starters! 😂 few tidy ups to do but quite happy with the 'glowsticks'/eyes.

6 31

La naranja valenciana, murciana, catalana y andaluza está hoy en Madrid ante la sede de la Comisión Europea para protestar por los tratados de la UE, en los que se favorece la importación desde Sudáfrica, Turquía o Egipto.

3 5

A childhood without books – that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy. 💫📚📖🌈

Astrid Lindgren

🎨 by Alexander Jansson for
“Mio, My Son” and “Ronja, The Robber’s Daughter”

8 7

El servei de recollida a domicili, per a grans quantitats o persones amb poca capacitat de mobilitat, es consolida i creix amb força.

3 3

Had a first pass at my mawkrusha base! Another layer of snow to go to fill in a few bits and give more volume. Once fatty is in place I'll do some more ork on the rock so it doesn't look so stark 😁

2 15

Wife and son went to bed so for the first time in years, I've had a solo NYE! Getting stuck back into Had fun doing some building as wasn't in a painty mood 😁 still need some tidying and greenstuff

5 84

Thanks to initiative roll in round 5, Darkling Covens and Ironjawz manage to steal away the victory from Sacrosanct Chamber and Beast of Chaos, despite of being tabled! Incredible close game 🙈

0 0

'Ronja, la hija del bandolero' de Gorō Miyazaki, ¡animación fantástica!: por

5 53

Astrid Lindgren's 'Ronja the Robber's Daughter' is one of The Times' Children's Books of the Year! Our new edition, translated by Patricia Crampton, features lovely illustrations by Katsura Kondo. Lots of other brilliant books on this list too:

4 10

What an awesome afternoon!!

Ben played Dan Wosleys wanderers with his Iromjawz and it was a total blood bath, nearly everything was dead by the end of turn 2. Hard not to yell whaaaaagh! at the top of your lungs when you charge with an ironjawz army!!

7 22