¡Ya logré hacer teselaciones de Penrose bien! Ahora, a jugar con los colores, que en este ejemplo están puestos al azar. Dentro de poco publicaré el experimento y el código en https://t.co/CMSW65GE4l y en https://t.co/sfN0nYqWnx

3 19

Meet member Will Chase (), data scientist at Upenn researching epidemiology of tuberculosis in Africa, focusing on dataviz. He works mostly in & is currently learning In his spare time he also makes generative art.

6 39

Two tools developed to reproduce the internal and external anatomy of (https://t.co/RP7gXne69D). Download some freely available datasets and get started today.

37 73

Reading 's The Pirate's Guide to R and loved this comparison: "It will be the best of times, it will be the worst of times".
via https://t.co/QLyDXPrRK1

1 9

These drawings are inspired in turtle drawings and Sutcliffe Polygons and are generated with and package ...

7 29

Today in "Nick does pointless things to procrastinate" I made my into a topographic map using

5 28

I gave it a try with JunkBOt. Had some minor pen issues but I think I can fix those and do it better.

using and a

4 14

Yanlışlıkla saykodelik grafik yaptım. :)
An unintended psychedelic plot.

1 7

Circular Visualization in R - Full tutorial in for circle diagrams with examples and code! By Zuguang Gu . HT .

3 4