Stop Saying That There Are Too Many Sauropod Dinosaurs, Part 5!!, new at

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PALEODATO Leonerasaurus taquetrensis(189 m.a)
Pequeño herbívoro(3 m)hallado en en 2002. Pertenece a los sauropodomorfos, grupo de dinosaurios bípedos que dio origen a los grandes cuadrúpedos de cuello largo que reinaron en el Jurásico y Cretácico. Il:

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Another brilliant kinematics paper by et al! Digitally assembling shows how wedge shaped sacral and posterior dorsal verts & elongate forelimbs aided in more vertical posturing and higher browsing. Great paper!

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A three-stage fossil pokemon based off of massive sauropods. Revived from a vertebrae fossil. Gigagnole: Rock, Titountain: Rock/Ground, Frackiosaur: Rock/Fire.

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Day 18: A dino in a possible niche it could belong
Here’s basal sauropodomorph Saturnalia tupiniquim in the role of gregarious active omnivore, much like a guineafowl.

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A quick study of a basal sauropodomorph skull lying on a desert during the Late Triassic!

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New episode of Primal has THE BEST Sauropod rep. These things were monsters when they wanted to be (zombie plague or not).

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So pretty. From Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week: "Apatosaurine cervicals of the ancient Maya civilisation"

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Results from the
Parapropalaeohoplophorus, Shamosaurus, Llallawavis and Zby.

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Happy to see another addition to the 'terrestrial stalking eats baby sauropod' meme, initiated by . And check out these fantastic feathered

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Decided to draw Auroras and Amaura,I love these little adorable dinosaur fossil Pokemon and I love the sauropod vibe.

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Sauropod maws are goood.

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Day 2: Favourite sauropod.
Diplodocus carnegii, cos I’m a basic Brit who grew up on Walking With Dinosaurs and trips to the NHM. This boi’s trying to look intimidating, possibly to the Allosaurus from yesterday.

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85% done with a brand new Will I ever draw other species? Eh. We’ll see. •

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Edellä mainitun lisäksi tajusin juuri muutakin:

Noilla eläimillähän on kaikilla matkalaukun osoitelappu kaulassa! Kerääkö Kari Grandi matkoillaan eläimiä, jotka hän tuo mukanaan kotiin? Olenko huomannut tämän aiemmin?

Entä mistä ihmeestä Kari Grandi on löytänyt sauropodin?

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New research! Schwarz et al re-described the historic "Cetiosauriscus" (aka Ornithopsis) from Switzerland. Not only is this a phenomenal description, but we also get a "new" sauropod: the team renamed this material

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'Cetiosauriscus greppini' from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland (known from 4 specimens) has been comprehensively redescribed by Daniela Schwarz et al. It's named as the new taxon Amanzia and _might_ be a turiasaur. Another one - they're everywhere now!

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Our new paper describing and providing a new name for the Late Jurassic sauropod dinosaur, Amanzia greppini, from Switzerland:

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