A fiery place: When Thypon, a monsterous giant attempted to overthrow Zeus for the supremacy of the cosmos, the chief of the greek gods buried him beneath the fires of the volcano Etna. The battle is described in Hesiod's "Theogony".

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Echidna is called the Mother of Monsters in Greek Hesiod described her as half beauty and half serpent beast, huge, brightly colored and voracious. Echidna gave birth to Cerberus and the Hydra, the Chimera and the Sphinx.

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is the who presides over eloquence and epic poetry, so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice. According to and she is the foremost of the nine being the and the most
Calliope 2012
Sophia Vari

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"The genealogy or birth of the Gods" also known as "Theogony" is a narrative poem of the writer Hesiod. It's a synthesis of religious traditions and one of the oldest sources of greek and cosmogony.

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More Titans! The Titan sons of Gaea & Uranus according to the Hesiod Theogony!

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Theban or 'swollen foot' appears in many works including &

Oedipus, Svetlin Vassilev, pubblished in the book Greek Mythology, 2006.

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The was also the name of an who dates back to the After the war, states that declared that all oaths be sworn upon her. 🌩️#Orpheus & on the Banks of the Styx, 1878 by John Spencer Stanhope.

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