"It can scarcely be owing to chance that three of the masterpieces of the literature of all time, the 'Oedipus Rex' of Sophocles, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and Dostoevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov' should all deal with the same subject, parricide"
(Sigmund Freud)

16 80

"There is no happiness where there is no wisdom."
~ Sophocles, Antigone, 441 BC

0 1

"There is no happiness where there is no wisdom."
~ Sophocles, Antigone, 441 BC

3 3

Which trainer has the best design/outfit? 🤔 Including: Flannery, Elio, Sophocles, and Raihan

1 5

All New Sync Grids (23 Grids)
Alt: Red (Thunderbolt),Cynthia (Aura),Rosa (S.Costume)
(V):Ash,Naomi (Sightseer),Candice,Sophocles,Janine,Clemont,Nita
(Normal): Hapu,Nanu,Karen (49->54),Molayne

7 133

Pensando en que en la guía Stay Sonic de UK de Sonic habla de un búho llamado Sophocles, probablemente se basaran en eso para crear a Longclaw (???)

15 139

I'm well aware that Thorton, Sophocles, and Clemont never interact, but they'd be such a fun trio of nerds! One day I'll get all three in Masters (darn you Clemont).

5 12

Ancient Greek Tragedy 

Greek tragedy was a popular and influential form of drama performed in theatres across ancient Greece from the late 6th century BCE. The most famous playwrights of the genre were Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides...


9 9

I Draw Eevee with same hairstyle of Satoshi, Kiawe,Sophocles,Lana,Mallow,Lillie and Gladion XD.

134 509

Theban or 'swollen foot' appears in many works including &

Oedipus, Svetlin Vassilev, pubblished in the book Greek Mythology, 2006.

3 1

Another Sophocles, but with Riolu
Maybe u would love to see more of him? :O

3 8

Sun and Moon anime artwork for Mallow, Lana, Sophocles, and Kiawe

318 447