Here are two great photos one of the early meetings of the Norwich 20 Group at Sir Garnet Wolseley, Norwich in 1950 and a life drawing class in Norwich in 1944. The group celebrates its 75th anniversary this year and has over 90 artists!

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No idea. I’m down to the pictures that are too blurry for me to identify. 48/52

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Just came across this old photo - I think it is Marjorie Cousins & her parents Ernest & Lily taken in around 1919 ...... that doll has to be one of the scariest I have seen - who would give that to a child? 😀

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Constantine Manos: The Boston Symphony...

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I have no idea what’s going on here, or even who they are, but I’m pretty sure they killed someone. (4/52)

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My great grandfather. Never met the man, but I imagine with my love of guitar, we probably would have gotten along pretty well.

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Monday Pic. A nice family group😊
Photographer from 📸
No writing👶

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I thought I'd try to redraw some of my old drawings on Here's my Gandad:)

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It seems a long time since I last got a chance to draw anything.

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I've been neglecting this week here's another old one,

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I shall try and draw a load more over November, look forward to seeing all yours.

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