Hx: High-speed MVA trauma

⬆️STIR signal superior to C2 dens related to a normal venous plexus (🔑: please do not mistake for edema related to & / apical ligament injury)

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A pathology comic about how Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) develops. Illustrated for an article published in on the appearance of this condition in clinical imaging: https://t.co/gvKFTXlWmR

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Illustration of a nice case of sesamoid avulsion of intersesamoid ligament of the thumb. Correlation drawing-ultrasound-MRI (re-posted with a small error correction, sorry).

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MSK Case of the Week
-M,11y,right hip pain for 1 m
-Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)with pathologic fracture
-Mostly diagnosed in children and adolescents
-Imaging Pearl:Sharply defined, expansile osteolytic lesions,fluid-fluid levels,no solid component

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Endosalpingiosis - a rare benign condition leading to cysts lined with fallopian-tube-line epithelium. Designed for a new visual article initiative led by for

Case: https://t.co/kNWSWCJpNz

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Bilateral muscular mass lateral to the distal metaphyseal femur. Anomalous Origin of the Lateral Head of the Gastrocnemius Muscles. https://t.co/0JXiVsObdq

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I like saying "I told you so", but don't get to say it nearly enough🤣 For those who mock my reporting of transitional anatomy- you can see the pain here! (Castelvi Ia / IIa)- enhancing articulation (8yrs!)

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The case of the day is this one I shared - acute abdominal pain in young man with known chronic disorder - 4 signs to spot here, leading to one diagnosis.

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Iliotibial band is a fibrous thickening which is formed proximally by joining the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus tendons.
Its proximal end strain injury is uncommon.


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Clinically not relevant, but interesting info from Dr Charles Lott's webinar on dental imaging: if a tooth is moved too quickly by orthodontic treatment, it can result in 'root amputation' (resorption around the roots, yellow arrows in image)

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Taught myself how to draw on PowerPoint as a R1 resident after seeing the amazing work of . Hope to get better!

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The current featured video is a 7 case Upper Limb X-ray tutorial I recorded during the recent lockdown. Big thanks to my first year registrars for letting the world eavesdrop!

WATCH: https://t.co/HKdZaSa4e3

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40yo trauma patient. There’s no injury but there is a syndrome. What is it?

Submit answers as GIF, emoji or haiku ONLY

👤 Case courtesy of via

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A note to young doctors and

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills

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This is well worth 15 minutes of your time, does an amazing job of summarising the different types of joints. New learning for me: I had never heard of gomphosis before.


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