"Le donne, a differenza degli uomini, non sono dominate da idee di possesso o di dominio". Lo scriveva nel 1929 Virginia Woolf ne "Una stanza tutta per sé".
Ritratto della scrittrice di Gisèle Freund, 1939
nasceva il 1882

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Un riepilogo dei progetti futuri

Con a

Proponete libri, versi, foto, immagini, luoghi

sabato e domenica

sabato e domenica

Villa Adriana Tivoli

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Xmas 1931 ‘the feeling of age coming over us & the hardship of losing friends & my dislike of the younger generation & then I reason how one must understand. And we are happier now’

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Virginia Woolf & Pinka, from “Writers and Their Pets”.
Written by Kathleen Krull by

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...recently finished reading "Mrs. Dalloway" so decided to do a portrait of Virginia Woolf... couldn't settle on a color scheme so did a bunch. Enjoy the one your prefer.

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“...a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction...”

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Vengo por aquí para dejaros mis últimos posts en Instagram! // I'm here to show you my last instagram posts!

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On 25th January 1882 the writer was born
Today we celebrate
You can this essay here

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Born 1882 Bloomsbury Group (née Stephen) visited while staying in & signed the Visitors Book at the Parsonage. Her account was in The Guardian in 1904.

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The exhibition is on until 9th December. See 4 works by Wilhelmina on display including 2 works from the Trust collection, 'Blue Studio' from and the incredible 'Rocks, St Mary's' 1953 from .

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For my film ‘THE IMAGE’ commissioned for I was influenced by the themes of Orlando as well as a variety of art and pop references... such as and in turn for this scene ...

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Virginia Woolf
"Me aventuraria a decir que "Anon", que escribió tantos poemas sin firmarlos, era a menudo una mujer". (Una habitación propia)

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"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman." Happy birthday
Love this illustration by

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Daily - Day

This is a tribute to Virginia Woolf for her 136th birthday, done in the art style of her sister Vanessa Bell, based on the book covers she designed for Virginia: Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, A Room of One's Own, & A Writer's Diary.

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