Last night,I drew Jefferson in this dress called Maria Clara. Because I dont know what Filipino men wore in 18th century,they only wore western styles suits.

I think they wore this in the late 18thc's and early 19thc's

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FAO attendees, we’d love some Victorianist papers at Victorian responses to & remediations of Romanticism, Romanticism’s persistence through the 19thC, its transformation by & thru new technologies (fitting in with our theme of ‘New Romanticisms’)

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"The 1821 Derby at Epsom" is a painting by French artist Théodore Géricault, showing the Derby of that year. He was fascinated by horses and worked at the imperial stables, where he had the opportunity to study in detail and made numerous portraits.

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It's season! Savor these sweet perpetually ripening in our collection. Jane Elizabeth Giraud painted this in her manuscript "The Fête of the Page through the whole volume:

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Our summer exhibition Masters of the Golden Age: Gainsborough, Constable, Turner and Lawrence, is open- it showcases a significant private collection of 18th and early-19thc British art (Image:Constable's stormy 'Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows,' 1830s ©Private Collection)

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in 1813, Laura Secord learned of a planned U.S. attack, convincing her to travel more than 30 kilometres to warn British, Canadian and First Nation forces fighting during the War of 1812.

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Sagittarius from al-Sufi's Catalog of the Fixed Stars (19thC copy from either Afghanistan or Uzbekistan), part of Supplément persan 2021

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A small but potent example of just how were Late 18thc (now faded) printed reused w/early 19thc via Love the classical-themed with bold plaid palette. Fr.

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A huge collection of 19thC life hacks on cigarette cards
(draw circles, remove splinters etc)

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"Red Rocks Near Pont Aven" is a painting by Irish artist Roderic O'Conor, who spent much of his later career in Paris. He was a friend of Paul Gauguin and his work with contrasting colours is also influenced by Vincent Van Gogh.

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Brent Hill, South Brent
Lots going on on this little hill.

artefacts & enclosures
chapel & lynchets (NE)
~16thC beacon
~19thC 19thC & 20thC quarries.

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Puce: a colour favored by Marie Antoinette & popular in the late 18thc/ early 19thc. Puce is French for flea; the colour is described as resembling congealed blood or a flea after it’s been crushed on white linen— a familiar shade in its heyday.

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