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As you drew in the most colourful political cartoon, you're so right Theo!
couldn't pull it off! 😋


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Hello les kitsune,

Pour changer un peu, j'ai fait un petit dessin du jour sur "the mandalorian"


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and his gang of thugs are so ...... I don't have make up stuff! 😋

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Went to Monterey Bay Aquarium a few days ago. Doodled some pictures. Here's my eel peice.

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Would some1 remind that week won't work. The PM doesn't want 2 offend Americans by recalling Parliament during the week of the US Thanksgiving! Btw, what is the status of this 's American Citizenship? 😋


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That's a tough decision. Is a Liar, Fraud or just a ! Btw, I still want to know whether Andy is still an American Citizen? 😋


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Do we really know ? I don't want some DAMN type YANKEE preaching Western Canada Alienation! 😋


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Lol... Per ,we all know what is doing when he is drinking his water. did a very good job training Andy! 😋


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It's going to take more than a couple boxes of fancy sugary & bland coffee to save & from accountability for their nasty campaign! 😋


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It's a big leap to think of and the as anything but a puppet for . It's their brand. Being PUPPETS! 😋


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If results of are any indication, like his boss , is a LOSER! As said, how can anyone lose a hockey game against a team with an empty net! 😋


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