Day 2: Favourite sauropod.
Diplodocus carnegii, cos I’m a basic Brit who grew up on Walking With Dinosaurs and trips to the NHM. This boi’s trying to look intimidating, possibly to the Allosaurus from yesterday.

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85% done with a brand new Will I ever draw other species? Eh. We’ll see. •

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Edellä mainitun lisäksi tajusin juuri muutakin:

Noilla eläimillähän on kaikilla matkalaukun osoitelappu kaulassa! Kerääkö Kari Grandi matkoillaan eläimiä, jotka hän tuo mukanaan kotiin? Olenko huomannut tämän aiemmin?

Entä mistä ihmeestä Kari Grandi on löytänyt sauropodin?

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Was messing around drawing mammal skulls as either Theropod or Sauropod interpretations!
The first four here are my fav, had my friend suggest animals.

If you know of any interesting animal skulls I'd love to hear it! May just draw it too

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New research! Schwarz et al re-described the historic "Cetiosauriscus" (aka Ornithopsis) from Switzerland. Not only is this a phenomenal description, but we also get a "new" sauropod: the team renamed this material

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'Cetiosauriscus greppini' from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland (known from 4 specimens) has been comprehensively redescribed by Daniela Schwarz et al. It's named as the new taxon Amanzia and _might_ be a turiasaur. Another one - they're everywhere now!

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Our new paper describing and providing a new name for the Late Jurassic sauropod dinosaur, Amanzia greppini, from Switzerland:

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Sur la bétonnière, affublé de son casque de chantier, vous pouvez reconnaître "Pepe" le sauropode avec qui toute cette histoire a commencé... dessiné par qui suit l'aventure d'Angeac depuis ses débuts.

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Been having the thought on my mind lately to wanna draw some fighting sauropods so naturally the logical mindset is making some angry brontosaurs.

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“In a world full of creatures like Torvosaurus and the Supersauropods, being small has its clear disadvantages. Which is why Fruitadens has developed such a tough exterior (both physically and emotionally)...”#morrisonWC

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Vulcanodon karibaensis, I felt that this ancient sauropod needed some attention

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A supplement to my Lost World piece. This posits alternate identities of two animals in the film. The "compys" are Procompsognathus triassicus, and the sauropods in the round-up scene are Diplodocus hallorum. I think I prefer both of these interpretations, explained below THREAD:

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Continuing on v2.0 model, the textures have arrived. Paintjob coming soon-ish.

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Time to briefly revisit Elrhaz Formation with this taqueti model. Original reconstruction of this animal was among the first sauropods ever portrayed with a form of "beak" at the tip of the jaws.

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Sauropod paper these days: A new occurrence of Rebbachisauridae in the Açu Formation, NE Brazil by Pereira et al. -

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Wow! "Strange Tracks in Texas Indicate Giant Walking on Their Front Feet Only"

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