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Dark #constellation
#muse for creative terror
roams the gloomy heart
#horrorprompt #vsshorror #vss365
For the longest time I couldn’t paint
Then I met a woman who I grew to love very dearly
She was the mother/sister/aunt I always needed
At the base of at least six of my paintings is the sacred muse
Love is #vss365 #muse #prompt #art @Paintingwilbur
Words ascribe
Best not trap them
Be stingy & hide
Or brainwash
Words are seeds meant to carry
Upon winds of projection
Taking root in lives
Sadly some still slice scars
Yet whitewashed history
Erases Vanishing Voices Of Tribes
Colonialism Creates Invisibility
#BraveWrite #vss365
Come sit with me Perseus,tell me the news,how are the gods on Olympus these days & the people of Athens.We have time before Hercules & Chiron return from their hutting expedition.All is well queen of the people of the flatlands.I have good news of Pegasus the winged horse #vss365
The Perfect Storm©️
Sometimes what's meant to break you
can actually make you! For “Yah” can
curate the perfect storm—walk on waters of a wicked #imp in the perfect form then heal & make you feel #better from #conjecture & fear that aim to smear.✍🏽#vss365 #bravewrite #vsspoem
This is the third death since #Klert water planet.
Lieutenant Madiba pales. "We've picked up a #Tokoloshe. An evil spirit"
"I don't believe in fairy tales ensign"
"I didn't #invent them. Believe if you want #Captain. I'll sleep in the cargo hold"
#vss365 #scififri #achtenwrite
“Your résumé states you’re #Tokoloshe.”
“Yes sir, absolutely. Well, actually, I’m a practicing #imp. I just haven’t taken the certification test.”
“Are you sure? See, #vss365 is quite specific.”
“I need a break. I haven’t worked in 40 years.”
“I’ll try, but no guarantees.”
It’s a #dilly of a dress, a dilly barcode
Ah, but how many barcodes do you see?
#vss365 #prompt #art @Paintingwilbur
#vss365 #crowcalls
Gold darkness undresses
The season of the soul,
Hiding in the remnants
Of all hallows eve~
Unfettered, eclectic,
Vitriolic, unwhole,
Oleander petals, flaxen to tease~
Bewared in Octobers
Juxtaposition of old,
And the caliginous sleep..
That wakes your unease,
#vss365 #MadVerse #InstantEternal
It feels familiar,
Unequivocally pretty,
This diaphanous moonfall
Bewitching me
With its owl darkness
And curvaceous ether~
Giving me
This evening's dance
To see through the midnight lens
Of wonderment..
And stay a little while,
Slow & Steady ©️
...like a #bubble
in a #Shadow (s)
pace or the “hare
in the tortoises”
face—unaware that
“slow & steady” wins
the race!✍️🏽#vss365
#bravewrite #vsspoem
We don’t forget because our sea-horse hippocampus fails us, but often voluntarily mental #switcheroo happens from one to another unrelated characteristic.
#vss365 #WritingCommunity
Gin fell to her knees, her elbows and fists raking across the arena floor as her face in the dirt.
A scream bubbled up from her gut, rising past her heart and into her throat. The #catharsis was almost too much. All the death. Too much loss.
Her scream split the air.
#Tuesday #Amwriting 1/6
✅Use #(s)
❌NO @(s)
#TrickyTues Commensurate
#BookishTues Crowd
Magic Spells
#FoodParty Eyelashes
#366FF Water/Aquaphobia
#vss365 Fundi
#vsspoem Candy
#vssdaily Yearning
#vsshumour Rant
#vssdreaming Sun
Buried in the town archives, I found a document: the lost civilization of 1637.
Witnesses describe a creature descending toward the earth, blocking out the whole of the sun. There was a thrash of wings and a surge of wind that uprooted trees when everything went dark.