THOR, for the 💛⚡ theme was amazing and so fun, here my version of the God of Thunder! I've imagined him as a 90s kiddo 👀 just love the idea, maybe I'll draw Loki and Sif too!

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My partygirl goddess Freya with her friends for this month‘s theme. (^^)/

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As a character design challenge this month I designed Baldr, the Norse God of Light (and probably other things?) shot dead by a spear of mistletoe because Loki is the biggest troll in the history of the universe.

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Here’s my entry for this month's challenge, Sif goddess of wheat and fertility of earth.
She has a beatiful golden hair

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Ok y’all gold leaf is HARD. Lol!
I ordered some strips and cotton gloves to help with the rest. I have some other accents (in her hair) to do but she will have to wait until those supplies come in.

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I was commissioned for these matching paintings of Loki and Hel! They are side by side now on the client's altar.

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My interpretation of Do you know that it was mostly depicted as a redhead before Stan Lee decided to give him a totally impractical hammer/club?
If you want to see him in action go to

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Eostre, Goddess of Spring ~ can’t help but think of her from American Gods tv series 😆

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