Everyone is getting ready for Christmas and New Year!
The year 2021 will soon bring new Trials into our lives, and 2020 will sum up its results.🎄

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Küldetés teljesítve! 😎 Külön-külön már megosztottam ezeket, de álljon itt egy helyen is a négy plakát, amit a 200. adásában ígértem a fiúknak. Bármikor visszanézem majd ezeket a plakátokat, eszembe fog jutni az élmény, hogy én is részt vehettem a jubileumban.

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Meu personagem favorito de my hero aí, o herói da pipoca na manteiga, jubileu e seu encosto. fanart feita em live Dodo

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Mais uma versão humana pro

Jubileu 👃🏻

Pra ser amigo dele tem que saber cozinhar, viu?
(Repost porque eu esqueci de marcar o pessoal. Repost de novo porque eu esqueci do Emoji)

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Jubileus de Bayonetta é não-binária e sáfica!

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Found this sketch in the back of my PC. maybe someday I'll finish painting. depends not only on me.XD

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Jubileus, in human form.🥰
I imagine her like this💗
I want to know your opinion.🥺

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Try out the simplistic kind of style I did the other day for video game mascots and clowns. This time with Gods.

-Void terminal soul
-The Radiance

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"May Jubileus, The Creator Grace You!<3"
back she in Bayonetta 3 , Please Kamiya🥺🙏

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eh .. i went to bed .. good night / day everyone.
Here is one of my old drawings of Cutie Jubileus!
Love you!!

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Jubileus, The Creator ♥️♥️♥️
"May Jubileus the creator grace you"
I am waiting for your feedback. any your reaction will help me to improve!

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New render
" Jubileus created an entire universe ... but Earth is her finest creation"
I am waiting for your feedback, help, comments, etc. any your reaction will help me to improve!
Love you all♥️

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Finished painting this art today. Glorious Jubileus the Creator! Great Cutie of the universe.😍
(Paint Tool SAI 2)

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My Jubileus Art (11.5.2017) (SAI2)
"there is no equal to her greatness!
Glory to Jubileus, The Creator"

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