94. "Lo que permanece" de Andrea Tomé.

Es una novela breve y muy intensa. Es preciosa, con amor, amistad, diversidad y protestas estudiantiles.

Me emocionó muchísimo. No sé, solo leela, de verdad 🖤🖤

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Henri IV of France signing the ratification of his abjuration of Protestantism before Alessandro de Medici, the Pope’s Legate & future Leo XI. This happened 1 Aug 1596.

The image was made in 1610 which was the year Henri was assasinated.

(British Museum)

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30 July 1560: theologians Matin Bucer & Paul Fagius posthumously restored to honour in the University of at a ceremony in Great St Mary's. In 1557 their bodies had been exhumed & retrospectively burnt for heresy (BM)

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For a moment, all Hades can manage is to stare at the other man with mouth agape and brow furrowed. Finally, he manages to form enough words to express his protestations in earnest “Absolutely not! No!”

(Emet x Hyth one shot, Explicit)


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"Los que estaban protestando, ahora están gobernando 🫢"
Se tenía que decir y se dijo

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A 19th century romanticized painting of this event!

But the peace didn't last long.

Just two years later in 1531, they clashed again in the Second War of Kappel where the Catholics defeated the Protestants and killed the famous Huldrych Zwingli.

Nothing was solved.

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Posting my cover for Curfew for this last day of Pride month as it’s increasingly relevant. Support your communities and stay safe at protests. Rights aren’t granted, they’re inherent but we’ve had to fight for every one

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26 June 1551: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer is collated Rector of Bishopstoke Hampshire He would be nominated bishop of Ossory on 22 Oct 1552, where he made his mark on (eebo/BM)

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Las empresas y los gobiernos no "se les ocurren cosas" es bajo las protestas de algún sector especifico y si les conviene por cuestión de imagen, o política si lo buscan implementar aunque si no genera ganancias es cuando da el rebote.

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The location of the Protestant reformation

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The British Empire created a myth of Indigenous race theory that was never rooted to factual history and they used Act of Settlement 1701, Act of Succession, Supremacy of God clauses, BNA Act and Protestant laws to bind us to a British Empire Crown governance.

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First past the post is crafted to ignore the votes of everyone but the ones who supported the winner. Like the rest of Canada’s policies it ignores people by design. Constitution And Charter ignore non Protestants & unceded & Federal Jurisdictional Indigenous communities.

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Hay españoles protestando porque "no es necesario una traducción de los juegos a español de latinoamérica" (sabiendo que a ellos no les adecta absolutamente en nada) pero luego los españoles usan términos ingleses cuando hablan de Pokémon (sleep clause, balanced, Sweeper...)

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Opino que hay que tomar el angel de la independencia como protesta ante los mal tratos de rito hacia su comunidad yo apoyo la mocion

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Hellsing Ultimate: protestantes vs católicos vs nazis. Estilo sobre sustancia... Pero bien hecho. Sirve para entretenerse y se ve bien, aunque no resiste mucho análisis. 6/10

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Thread: 1798 Irish Rebellion (23 May-12 Oct)!

"To unite Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter under the common name of Irishmen in order to break the connection with England, the never failing source of all our political evils, that was my aim" Wolfe Tone https://t.co/7XpE8Dog9c

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i grew up in white midwest protestant vaguely homeschooled household and this shit was everyyywheere, all of the kid illustrations in my textbooks looked like this (but cheap knock offs). i think its still super cute! its reminiscent of sarah kay's work, just even more cutesified

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Como olvidar esa vez que gran parte del fandom de TOH protestaba:A rAiNe LE DiCES AsÍ. No son personas reales, son ficticias y puedes hacer lo que quieras con ellos, aunque eso no niega el hecho que te critiquen pero no es justo que te acusen de pEdOFilO por un simple fanart https://t.co/wJOLXkESR1

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29 Apr 1776 Montreal, Canada. Benjamin Franklin leads a delegation including Samuel Chase & Charles Carroll to encourage Canadians to desert the crown. The Canadians, mostly French Catholics demurred as the Protestant Americans were long-standing enemies.

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