Why? Why? Every time these two wind up in the same place, there's a fight? Artwork by

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is a CHAMP and the gangs all here! ... Yassen. Buddy. Camera is not over there. Get with it.

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2804 words today for 56,112 total. I needed a change of pace, so I jumped ahead a few chapters to write about a battle between Alizée the dragon girl and Titania. Art by

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1,222 words today thanks to Serra, my lesbian bunny girl assassin. In her spare time, she's the bounty hunter's guild bartender and bouncer. Her favorite attack magic spell? Lightning bolt. Artwork by .

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Stuck... time to bring in Serra. She's the equivalent of a man walking into the room with a gun for me, my Artwork by

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We met through the book with a broken spine, arctic lights haloing each other's heads from opposite sides of the shelf. It was beautiful as a sun-teased ravine; & the whistling kettle behind made it home.

6 37

It's about soul
how they are entwined
by Almighty
sometime it's revealed
n sometimes
it's secret love

an eternal forever love
beyond time space n distance

way I am loving u since births!

1 4

He came to her during the devil's' hour & granted her vainest wish, promising to never sever their connection so long as it pleased.
"Are you sure you want this?" he asked.
"Yes," she said, extending her new wings.

4 22

Prompt Me Romance by

Want to add some romance to your writing?

Photo Prompts
Story Starters
Anatomy of a Kiss
Charts & References


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Written just under 2k words on this sit-down, decent but less than I like. But writing a first chapter is hard guys, gimme a break.
I'll keep writing until the morning, see ya then!

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My county just went into mandatory lock-down, so you know what that means, right?



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So... I did a thing

I wrote a one-shot in Norwegian. I had to put most of it in Google Translate since I don't know much Norwegian. I'll use it less going forwards


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Here's the thread about my books, The Whitford Crew, a historical sports romance series about eight guys who rowed together in college & then all fall in love *in the same seat order from the boat*. It's uncanny.

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Join us every Tuesday for This week's prompt: 2/18 is In 280 characters or fewer, help us spread Nu Romanticism! Use our hashtags, and we'll retweet! All welcome.

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The draft for Maleficium vol. 2 is finally near completion...took me forever to figure out a crucial plot point. Here’s the initial for Fritz, Mirja, and Kai...an elf, a witch and a nokk.

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to have you
in languid repose,
bare and unblemished

would gingerly taste
until ivory bared
hunger upon thought
and tongue

5 5

It was an impulsive kiss
Under stars so cold
In the manic moment I knew
Our demise was foretold
You would leave on the wandering winds
Embrace your freedom at last
Escaping the ghosts we both conjured
In our dark & haunted past

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