We are mad and frustrated, but what can we do to support HongKong?🙈🙏🏻

手足們可以麻煩幫幫手rt spread俾多啲人知🙇🏻‍♀️

258 236

We are always together💪🏻Let’s fight for our future!!

31 35

New join twitter文宣🇭🇰

54 73

From 12 June to 1 Oct, there were 4,138* tear gas used. .
*HK police force didn’t disclose figures for weekend of Sep 22, according to Bloomberg.

8 8

As a HongKonger,
THIS is what breaks my heart every time when I think about it.

12 15

thread: info about the ongoing siege of the chinese university of hk (1/2)

40 11

[20191111] entered the University, the Polytechnic University and the Chinese University. They occupied the campus, shoot tear gas & bean bag round & pepper-spray pellet to disperse the student inside the campus.

32 20


26 24

10 Nov 2019 原來捉市民第一件事唔係帶委任證係要帶頭套👎👎👎

599 562

Houndour hopes him and other doggos don’t get a bad rep for being police doggos.
Also, he wishes his master will stop gassing him.

11 19