Silver-heather wings
dust the almond sky
fluttering in wild winds
the indigo edge
lusting in crimson rays
of sunlight...

🎨 Noreen Jehangir

36 138

A Midsummer Nights dream (Max Reinhardt & William Dieterle, 1935)

1 6

Thank you Haven for the artshare names EndlessDreams and here is some of my art I've done

2 8

Hello my name is EndlessDreams congrats in the 500 mile stone here is some of my art I've made

5 14

Each page heard was a fragrant sigh. They roused sacred spirits into the air and forged opportunities to make friends with what could've remained foreign. I made it a...#MondayFic 1/2

6 46

We fell with eventide, becoming torpid after hours of laughter over dark chocolate fondue. I was besotted with how rich his smile was. It carried no past hurt yet included all... 1/2

9 42

The brumous limbo of winter held the warmest days and nights. Gentle sun-fire on my skin, skies abundant with stars, and intoxicating fondness uncovered past an open door.

7 32

"The best lives are lived w/ simple heart," Halmeoni said. "All are leaders and sheep cresting opulence as feathery snow, all may fall w/ wonder or sorrow, all may melt... 1/2

14 47