画質 高画質

Ok, les portes cartes de visite /cartes d'affaires BIOHAZARD en Duraluminium, ça poutre ! https://t.co/rY9FSw5KjR

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ALSO! SEEDS ISSUE ONE IS OUT. A family newsletter from the procedural generation community. https://t.co/rvcNo1iGmG

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Depth blur and random procedural floor generation, tasks for today. Still looking for programmer to help us

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Random rotation procedural grid between only two tiles seems pretty non repetitive :D (with a little Zdepth)

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perlin-brush | points:333 nsx:7.4781 nsy:3.5680 ra:-0.081

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More repetition.
a Houdini + Arnold practice, thanks for the tips!

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Playing with procedural shaders inside

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param-eq | a:441 b:37 c:1 d:4 i:100000 rad+:0.22

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gingko | a:3 s:2939 d:0.4904 w:582 ns:5.6017 np:4.6800 nb:14

1 1

No Man's Sky : procedural show (2/2) par Quand on veut toucher les étoiles, on… https://t.co/VLNghn3uEr

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3. Sayımızdan "GOLGOTHA", Yazan MURAT S. DURAL, çizen YARKIN SAKARYA, renklendiren BAŞAK DEMİR :)

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Having some fun with procedural graphics. https://t.co/xZwnHeqdML

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You can get pretty far without a depth buffer.

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gingko | a:8 s:3400 d:0.5799 w:191 ns:7.7601 np:6.2651 nb:4

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