just polished off these ladz. Defo broken the back of the army now!

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Been getting some details done on these 2 party-starters! 😂 few tidy ups to do but quite happy with the 'glowsticks'/eyes.

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Happy 4th Birthday to my little painting partner/Purritto... Quincey

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Damn you FEC! I have more important stuff to paint right now. Blew a few hours on a test model tonight.

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Two other plastic miniatures for ! To be fair, I've just totaly Forget to take pictures. Theoden is finish since two weeks now... I've realy enjoyed to paint those mini. Like Gandalf the sculpt is impressive!

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Update on the flaggelants for wood wraps and ropes all done, next will be the loincloths and then it’s just fire, silver and gold to go 😁

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Another late night and fantastic stream 😂 Tried my first clay basing for my Still more work to be done but this has been a labour of love 💙

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New Black Legion models incoming from the Las Vegas Open!

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Looks like me and my new Deepkin army will be coming to Heat 1 at Warhammer World!

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Oh dang! All the Soulwars heroes lined up! even though there is a lot of similarities, these four models have a lot of subtle differences in textures and materials. Line troops we're a breeze!

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I’ve continued work on my Tabletop standard DoK, really happy with the new Basing and the final elements of the colour scheme.

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MARNEUS AUGUSTUS CALGAR close up for the s_banshee challenge. Genuinely very pleased with how Calgar's helm came out, even though it's really basic stuff 😊

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