A new update for Kenney Character Assets has been released! This update adds 11 new skins (including often requested athletes), 4 new animations and a Unity package! https://t.co/duNCqr7zqN

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is acceptable only if you're the Prime Minister of or Governor of . Wouldn't it be nice if Mayor Kenney was offended by our city's high murder rate?

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No worries dude, Vancouver, Toronto, SFO, Texas.... will be more than happy to take them CS grads. I'm sure many cities appreciate 's efforts trashing the tech sector in Alberta! 😋

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Heavens to Betsy, no chance of that happening!
is hoping to win his 2nd Oscar as "THE" director of political actors! 😋


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and his have their war-room using battle proven tactics from the playbook! No surprise! 😋

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and his are using tactics from the playbook! Divide and conquer! 😋

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has been known to be very creative in past in shaping/delivering his message/narrative! 😋

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Every year, Mayor Kenney dresses up as an elf to kick off the holiday season.

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You will probably like this one of playing with matches! 😋

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The leader of c himself as CDA's & prefers 2 communicate his "foreign" policies via twitter! Some1 must tell he looks more like the version less Donald's $! 😋


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Happy to announce my collaboration with : Kenney Character Assets! The bundle will include 4 (rigged) character models, 40+ skins and 10+ animations which work with most game engines. We'll also release public domain content - stay tuned!

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Awesome fanart by forum member Erickenneycreative😎
IG: /erickenneycreative
Join the forum with your art or open your own store and start selling https://t.co/YiZpwNbNWM

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Additionally, I wonder if 's over the top cruelty to the most vulnerable in Alberta is due to 's failure to win PMship in ?


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Consider what is doing 2 the most vulnerable in AB & the sneaky act of delaying the budget til after the Fed ,Cda dodged a BULLET by rejecting that !😋


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Heavens to Betsy! Did just renounce his Canadian Citizenship? 😋

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