Looking for something a little more industrial for your next project? Pipeworks has arrived in 30mm, 40mm and 50mm inserts! Available at https://t.co/BgxOoTBYhl

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While in work today I remembered I hadn’t added stone effect paper to the chimney or any flashing to the roof (I would make a horrible builder). I have just finished remedying this omission. The roof flashing will be trimmed down once the PVA is dry.

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You don't know true fear until you have to clip the Unmade Awakened One's flail off the sprue

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Summer might be almost over, but nothing says you can't stick your models on the beach all year round. Available in beveled inserts from 30mm - 120mm.

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Happy This week, we’ll continue “Banshee” commission, painted as a corrupted Moon Elf Lich Queen. Tatiana Hordiienko’s “Elf” artwork is skin/hair color inspiration. She has two heads & I’ll magnetize them to be swappable! https://t.co/XVkJ1ZfBdM

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Have had a bit more time for painting recently, so got stuck into the Corvus Cabal. Really nice models, perfect for a bit of experimenting with purple shadows and Blood for the Blood God

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Silver in painters along with 2nd Place in the manufacturers competition! Bronze in ordinance for the 15mm M3 Lee. Thank you for a fun show as always, thanks for having me and thx to all who attended the classes! 🎨💜

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A new theme of inserts has hit the store - Western! This theme features our brand new Deserted Desert theme, in sizes from 30-120mm. https://t.co/BgxOoTBYhl

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A couple hours work this afternoon on the Captain. Nothing overly exciting but basecoated the head and gun arm and painted the Captain markings. Trying to make it all as neat as I can, could be better but it’ll do for now I think! 😊

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I’ve been low key working on being back the Shadow Lords in a miniatures campaign making them smaller and more accessible to more people and offering more of them! You in?!

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My Iron Golems warband for Warcry! Quick gritty fun scheme, I loved painting them so much that I’d like to do another warband in a different scheme at some point they’re amazing models! 😊

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