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A painting by Zoltan Sepeshy to recreate for #MuseumWeek, perfect for families to do together. #CultureInQuarantineMW #gettychallenge
Per l’hashtag #CulturainQuarantenaMW vi proponiamo una foto di Giorgia, una nostra giovane visitatrice che durante la quarantena ha reinterpretato la celebre scultura del Cristo velato, distendendosi sul basamento del camino di casa sua, avvolta in un lenzuolo. #MuseumWeek2020
Today's #MuseumWeek theme is #CultureInQuarantineMW so why not have a go at re-creating an item from our collection at home. Be as original as you like, we're looking forward to seeing your creations!
Use these paintings as inspiration or look online: https://t.co/8C24OTvfTn
To get in the mood for this year's STICK conference, Art & Industry, why not enjoy @TheBowesMuseum marvellous virtual tour of Norman Cornish: The Definitive Collection? https://t.co/qFtoOEMqYe #MuseumWeek #MuseumWeek2020 #CultureInQuarantineMW
During lockdown the @swindongalleryartontourteam have been producing weekly podcasts to share artwork from the Swindon Collection, each exploring a different and interesting theme.
@swindonmag #modernart #art #talkart
Not only is it #MuseumWeek, today is also the launch of @ahrcpress #CollectionsUnited. Over the coming weeks we will be exploring connections in our own collections and beyond! Get in touch if you want to connect. But for now, here is a collection connection from us.
We're taking part in #MuseumWeek and #CultureInQuarantineMW by recreating still life artworks in our collection!
What do you think to this one? 😂Created by our very own @CanvasGentry!
#gettymuseumchallenge #gettychallenge
La compañera de Àncora - Cultura del Mar recrea uno de los retratos de la artista Tamara de Lempicka.
To celebrate #MuseumWeek, our staff are recreating art from our collections. To kick us off, here’s our dedicated Development Assistant, Alicia, channelling her inner John Crome. #CultureInQuarantineMW
'Portrait of John Crome (1768-1821)' by Michael William Sharp (1777=1840)
Avui la #museumweek ens proposa parlar de #CulturaenQuarentenaMW. La crisi sanitària ens ha fet repensar i adaptar la programació a l'entorn virtual. La interacció amb els visitants s'ha traslladat a l'àmbit digital. Sant Jordi confinat: Miquel (7), Oriol (6), Júlia (7), Joan (7)
Pronti per questa nuova giornata di tweet a tema #CultureInQuarantineMW?
Cosa avete fatto in questi mesi di #Culturainquarantena?
Raccontateci tutto!
Noi abbiamo inventariato cose stupende...come queste stampe di metà '800.
#12maggio #MuseumWeek #museichehannostoffa
#ミュージアムウィーク 5/12のテーマは #CultureInQuarantineMW おうちで好きな作品を再現しよう!というプロジェクトです。写真は子どもたちが再現してくれた古賀春江《夏山》。クレーの作品に取材して描かれた夏の風景は、白昼夢のようにふわふわしています。#MuseumWeek https://t.co/niM1Ynzqf1
Last but not least: Emilia Gubitosi! She was the first woman to graduate in Composition in 1906, in a society where women were forbidden to do that. She is the protagonist of a comics too! Free download here>>https://t.co/cHGRGvarki
#HeroesMW #MuseumWeek2020 #MuseumWeek #EroiMW
Our final #MuseumWeek #HeroesMW for today are anybody involved in rescue at sea. In the early 19th c, George Manby invented the 'Manby Mortar' making rescuing distressed ships easier and thus saving countless lives.
🔎 Focus #MuseumWeek
On peut compter sur #Astérix et #Obélix en toutes circonstances, et c'est bien à ça que l'on reconnait les vrais héros ! #HerosMW
➡ Même pendant le confinement, ils nous ont soutenus avec leur magazine gratuit à télécharger 😍
@MuseoArcheoVene @MuseumWeek @MuseoArcheoCa @museotattile_VA @DirMuseiUmbria @_MiBACT @museitaliani @MuseoCalatia @MuseiCalabria @GNCosenza #Ulisse ci riporta inevitabilmente al grande vaso a cratere con vignetta di Antoine Beranger, capolavoro della fabbrica francese di Sévres, raffigurante '#Omero tra i vasai di Samo' e donato a Francesco I nel 1830!
#HeroesMW #EroiMW #MuseumWeek @MuseumWeek @_MiBACT
🔵 C'est parti pour la #MuseumWeek !
▶︎ Aujourd'hui, découvrons les héros 🦸♂️ littéraires qui vivent dans les murs du #chateau de #Cheverny : Don Quichotte et #Tintin !
#HerosMW #MuseumWeek #MuseumWeekFrance
Comincia la #MuseumWeek con una giornata dedicata agli #EroiMW che fronteggiano in prima linea l'emergenza #COVID19. Li ringraziamo con due capolavori delle collezioni @museupicasso e @LAGNroma.
🎨 Pablo #Picasso, Scienza e carità, 1987
🎨 Ubaldo Oppi, I chirurghi, 1924
En el monument podem reconèixer les mans l'escultor #JulioAntonio (Móra d'Ebre, 1889-Madrid, 1919), de les quals ell es va fer un motlle per representar les mans de l'Heroi ferit. #heroesMW #MuseumWeek
#HeroesMW @MuseumWeek #MuseumWeek