Last but not least: Emilia Gubitosi! She was the first woman to graduate in Composition in 1906, in a society where women were forbidden to do that. She is the protagonist of a comics too! Free download here>>

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Our final for today are anybody involved in rescue at sea. In the early 19th c, George Manby invented the 'Manby Mortar' making rescuing distressed ships easier and thus saving countless lives.

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Another heroic local figure who we have the pleasure of exploring the life of on Hull Curriculum is Lillian Bilocca, who along with the wives of other trawlermen, campaigned to make conditions safer and fairer for fishermen at sea

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ci riporta inevitabilmente al grande vaso a cratere con vignetta di Antoine Beranger, capolavoro della fabbrica francese di Sévres, raffigurante '#Omero tra i vasai di Samo' e donato a Francesco I nel 1830!

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Day 1 of is about heroes. At Heritage Learning we're incredibly grateful to our key workers for everything they do. We’re lucky enough to get to share the stories of heroic people who looked after others including Mary Murdoch, the first female GP in Hull

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En el monument podem reconèixer les mans l'escultor (Móra d'Ebre, 1889-Madrid, 1919), de les quals ell es va fer un motlle per representar les mans de l'Heroi ferit.

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L’audace fanciullo Davide che, armato di fede, sconfigge il gigante Golia, è uno dei biblici di , qui mirabilmente ritratto dal pittore rubensiano Johann Liss! 😮⚔️

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It's 2020 and today's theme is

Have you worked on anything you'd consider hero related, whatever that might mean to you? What was it and what was its significance?

Alternatively we'd love to hear about your heroes! 🦸

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Музейная неделя 2020
Тема сегодняшнего дня или
В сложившейся на сегодняшней день ситуации, связанной с короновирусом, именно врачи находятся на переднем крае борьбы,первый день международного сетевого фестиваля учреждений культуры посвящён медикам.

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