Commission asked by some user in DeviantART
He asked a pic of Sophocles from Pokémon Sun/Moon diving with a Chinchou and Lanturn
Hope you like it! :)

1 21

طلع بايدي كتابSophoclesومسرحياته انتيغون واوديب الملك واوديب في كولونس كتاب اخدناه وقت كنت بالجامعة فتذكرت السؤال اللي سأله ابو الهول ل أوديب وكان يقتل كل من لا يعرفه" من هو الذي له اربع اقدام ، ثلاث اقدام ، وقدمين ؟؟ما رح قلكون الجواب لتقروها 😂

1 13

Theban or 'swollen foot' appears in many works including &

Oedipus, Svetlin Vassilev, pubblished in the book Greek Mythology, 2006.

3 1

shameless kiawe x sophocles bc its a good ship and yet theres NO CONTENT OF THEM

4 10

“Death is not the greatest of evils; it is worse to want to die, and not be able to.” - Sophocles

Some more of Tasya from Destiny

0 3

Sophocles and Molyane with their partner of choice.

(By Pencil.

11 29

from Pokemon Sun and moon game boy link t-shirt available now at

2 3

Another Sophocles, but with Riolu
Maybe u would love to see more of him? :O

3 8

what if the togedemaru sophocles has in the anime was from molayne

8 17

Am I that attractive? Sophocles already wantzzz to screw me! Zzt!

6 9

Is Sophocles your Alolan Form?

0 0

Sun and Moon anime artwork for Mallow, Lana, Sophocles, and Kiawe

318 447

The 4 captains in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon: Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, and Sophocles.

144 169

One word
Frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is Love ❤️


302 562