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I heard your hums in the wind, turning tangles in my rubiginous hair. It led me to the boat where we'd read books for a while as we ate jumbo corn dogs & drank pitchers of pink lemonade—where I see you. #IWrite2Music #HumpDayWrite #EpisodicLines #WIPwordsearch #whistpr #vss365
~Ocean of sorrows~
end of humanity
where it's flowing
take a minute
to think
what wrong we're
try to undo
our evil doings
let's take a brand
before we all will
We perished earthly fears the closer our hands got to those cotton candy clouds, ignoring little bites and scrapes along the way. Leaves blew oceans past their sheen until all we saw was a jungle of ambrosia. #WordInSense #WIPwordsearch #TransWords #whistpr #Sunthing #vss365
We met through the book with a broken spine, arctic lights haloing each other's heads from opposite sides of the shelf. It was beautiful as a sun-teased ravine; & the whistling kettle behind made it home. #SFFAskew #FoodParty #writingromancelines #TransWords #whistpr #BraveWrite
My hand clasped with yours & our sights on trees silhouetted by sun's glow, I remembered strawberries' sweet tang on homemade yogurt & the friend who fit almost snug in my palms—the day I no longer felt small. #7daytale 6 #WordInSense #SatSplat #TransWords #whistpr #BraveWrite
"Oh my. No proper way to justify one's selective narrow vision. They blur the world by cursing themselves into a miasma that'll only keep closing."
"Your... Your cat talks?"
"Yeah, she hates inequality." #IWrite2Music #TalesNoir #RetroWriteWed #WIPwordsearch #TransWords #whistpr
Your wristwatch ticked as a deluge of hydrangeas bloomed in our hearts—a quintessential restoration after years of walking through rusted gardens settled beneath strangers' heavy shoes. #7daytale 2 #TrickyTues #TuesCalm #BookishTues #TransWords #whistpr #BraveWrite #vss365
littoral dragons
playing fast as her
pearl oyster can spin
seaweed tendrils dance
verdant ribbons of
magical sea rhythm
capricious mermaids
jealousy eschew
conch marmalade and
water their cactus to
to see it wither away
#vss365 #whistpr #microprompt #BraveWrite
He came to her during the devil's' hour & granted her vainest wish, promising to never sever their connection so long as it pleased.
"Are you sure you want this?" he asked.
"Yes," she said, extending her new wings. #FridayKiss #FriTease #writingromancelines #TransWords #whistpr
Quagga has been practicing her knitting. She’s perfected scarves and leg warmers, but only in dull greys. She #yearns for new wool: #tangerine would do perfectly; she’s sure it matches her coat best. Perhaps Sheep will come to her #rescue? #vss365 #whistpr #CeruleanProse
Llama knows it’s all about hair. #Chrome combs only, if you please, & regular shampooing. None of that #coffee-coloured muck, dear, only natural organic concoctions. For full effect, maintain a #serene posture while the wind tussles your fab locks #vss365 #whistpr #CeruleanProse
Kudu knows he’s #risking his macho reputation, but he can’t stop reading his chic lit novels at evening tea (with the #classic Ouma rusk, of course). Besides, perceptions are changing, & would you just look at that glorious #vermillion sunset
#vss365 #whistpr #CeruleanProse
The quaint crusader,
in an old patchwork cape,
was last on the scene again,
in a quest to protect,
the downtrodden,
the curious,
and arcane
#Whistpr #SuperHeroSat
Egret has finally opened his dream restaurant. The others questioned his choice of #mahogany furniture & #chartreuse wallpaper, but his one of a #kind specialty - curry scooped into the #butt of a loaf of bread - has been exceptionally popular
#vss365 #CeruleanProse #whistpr