Last night’s iPhone sketch cool down in Nina from ’s 20XX. I still haven’t completed a run, haha, level 8 gets me every time.

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I loved the palette and cinematography in the new Joker trailer. Here’s my own take on the Joker sketched in ProCreate Pocket on my iPhone.

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ADONIT MINIが…故障・゜・(つД`)・゜・

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I recently got a samsung tablet and adonit stylus, so here's my first test doodle in autodesk sketchbook. I need to get better at drawing guinea pigs!

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love drawing and painting on my iPad Air, I use and and an Adonit pro stylus

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Working with and the same Adonit Stylus. Really happy with the results, this is a wonderful app and completely free, would highly recommend.

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iPhone sketching at 30,000+ feet on the flight home to Phoenix. Experimenting with a watercolor look on this wary dwarf.

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Got a adonit pixel pen for my iPad, and I drew this! Hopefully I'll get used to drawing on the iPad. It's more comfortable then drawing on pc :O

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This is a not-so-old drawing but i never share it so here it is. This was for a contest from "Adonit" to win 500$. And no i didn't win but it was a fun piece to draw!

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久々にiPad Air2とadonit pixelとmedibangでお絵描き。……多分描いた本人しか気にならないと思うけど線がめっちゃ酷い。ペン先とズレたところに描画されるから整えるのにすごく時間かかる💦ProとApple Pencilだとどのくらい変わるもんなんだろう🤔

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is a great way to improve your drawing skills with daily projects. Here's Tranquil by made with the Adonit Pixel. Share your Adonit Inktober piece with to be featured on our social pages.

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