Metis, Nem that I drew a while ago and an Iris doodle

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Charon 💀

Charon was a well-known entity in greek mythology, responsible for ferrying deceased souls across the river Styx and into the underworld.

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Moirai, incarnations of Destiny in Greek Mythology.
Art for Mitos y Leyendas TCG.

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That style I’ve been looking for was right in front of me the whole time 🙌🏼

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Circé ✨

I put my soul in this drawing

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Following the death of his wife Orpheus went to Hades to get her back. He was allowed if he could make the trip without looking back at her. Making it to the upper world, he looked back but she hadn't yet crossed the boundary. She vanished forever

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In was a of and new who dwelt in the Fields. She was the wife of the West-Wind and the mother of of Her name was

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Chapter 17 Cerberus 🌸❤️🐶🐶🐶 “My hand rubbed one of his 3 heads. Like Hades, many would fear to literal death this beast hound of 3 heads. But to me... he was my good boy”

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Athena, or Athene, is a Greek Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft.

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Medusa I did last month trying something like Card Game :) 🐍🐍

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eros and psyche! one of my favorite myths 💕

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I also made a version with some light but I don't know what to think about it... 🤔

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[Non Skz-related drawing]

This drawing has been in my draft since 2019 and I finally managed to finish it fjdbdj (and that's why the proportions are strange)

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In the were of drawn to on They were daughters of and counterparts to and They were present during death, but did not have the to kill.

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