Natalia Goncharova, Britanskii Lev (The British Lion) from Misticheskie obrazy voiny. 14 litografii (Mystical Images of War: Fourteen Lithographs), 1914

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St. Helena (Island South Atlantic)
Animals: Crab, snale, shells - all indigenous to the Island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic.
Lithograph by Edward W. Robinson after the drawing by John Charles Melliss
Published in "St. Helena"
London, 1875

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"Je crois qu'il est un peu ferme"

Lithograph by Charles-Victor-Hilaire Ratier (1807 1898) in superb original hand coloring
After the drawing by Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard 1803-1847)
Published in "L'Album de la Silhouette"
Paris, 1831

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佐世保海軍航空隊 サ-104

Coming soon!!

宜しくお願い申し上げますm(_ _)m

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シロスジキリガ/Lithomoia solidaginis (Hübner, [1803])

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Original art, prints & licensed items by can be found on Etsy & ArtFire This one is a lithograph, "Squash"

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No title (Per one of our twitter friends this is not a Tick - Zecke - Acari - Ixodida, but a Uropodidae)

Toned lithograph dated 1791. Published by Nodder in London.

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"Schoen Valborg"

Chromolithograph after R. Sterl published 1892.

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Eleanor Coen 🇺🇸 (b. 21.10.1916)
'Girls in a Window' (1939)
Colour lithograph
39.1 x 33 cm

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Original art, prints & licensed items by can be found on Etsy & ArtFire This one is a lithograph, "Magnolia Memory"

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Hunter's Reverie - Artwork Star Wars -
Artiste : Peter Ferk

350 pièces numérotées à la main, phosphorescentes dans l'obscurité.

+ d'infos:

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•Seraph’s Domain•
12” x 18”
Mixed Media Lithograph, Watercolor, Found Texture, Digital Coloring

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Introducing Procreate Print Works – Complete Print Media Pack - the only print media pack you will ever need.

Whether looking for Screen Print, Etching, Mono, Litho or Woodcut brushes this pack has you covered.

Get it now for only $29 :

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Original art, prints & licensed items by can be found on Etsy & ArtFire These are lithographs, "Female Cardinal" & "Male Cardinal"

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British contemporary artist David Hockney is well known for his still lifes, like the 1980 lithograph Black Tulips. He was also famous for intimate portraits of friends. These works by Hockney are highlights of tomorrow's Prints & Multiples auction.

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Natalia Goncharova, Arkhistratig Mikhail (Archangel Michael) from Misticheskie obrazy voiny. 14 litografii (Mystical Images of War: Fourteen Lithographs), 1914

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💔After having painted several murals in the Secretary of Education building in Mexico City, Diego Rivera rescued some images from them for smaller-format lithographs.

📕🏛 collection
The Dream, Diego Rivera 1932

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