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Who‘d like to see their book covers animated😍?!

I know I’m being totally cheeky & incorrigible but I want to get my hands on your books😜😂

I’ve now animated +1K covers!! Get your own book covers animated here🤩: https://t.co/EyVyMdhjqx

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ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! Can you tell what submissions we want? We love our YA and loving reading through the submissions but ADULT FICTION authors come through!

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Writers! Intending to self-publish your book? Or are you thinking of submitting to an agent or publisher?
Every writer needs a proofreader. Here's why!
https://t.co/CjNPqpcT3y … … … … … … …

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what is your biggest fear as a writer?

Not being relevant?
Not being read?
Never being published?

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the flight attendant asks if you want your complimentary peanuts and you get...

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We’re nearing the end of January, how is everyone in the doing with their resolutions?

Have you given up? Persevered?

I’m not usually one to make resolutions but this year I vowed to write more and am loving it so far!

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Nymphs -I may have a band of sixty ocean nymphs & twenty mountain nymphs, but these three: Britomartis, Iphigenia, & Hyale occupy a special place in my heart! They are my nymphs, sisters, companions, & hunting partners!


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I love meeting new people & I’d love to make more friends in the If you do too, introduce yourselves & tell us something about you😁

Me: I‘m a fantasy author & a book cover animator😍👉https://t.co/EyVyMdhjqx
One of my recent animated covers:

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Meet Arnold the main character in Arnold Ethon and the Lions of Tsavo

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These were the first I ever did for a book I wrote in high school. I spelled "heights" wrong for a running joke in the book that my adult self now thinks is stupid. XD do you ever look back on old work and cringe?

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I wish I could show you
when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being. 😃💕


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I’m pretty bored right now, not gonna lie. Editing has been sucking the life outta me. How are y’all doing, ?

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I was going through some old files and I found some pics I did 3 years ago of some characters from one of my WIPs
Oh my goodness! This just reminds me of how much I LOVE them!
This is Ethan (I mention him from time to time) and Jamie

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Come read about 's adorable debut picture book! There's plenty of time to join the Blog: Debut Review Challenge with Chantal Bourgonje https://t.co/QWGgj39O0P

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