The Anunnaki main cast from SKY GODZ season 1 are the royal half-siblings Nin, Enki and Enlil in the anime style of the show.

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Wonderful SKY GODZ fan art of Commander Ashtar comes to us today from the very talented

Beautiful work!


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The villains of the SKY GODZ universe, the evil Orion Empire is on a mission to take over every galaxy in the universe.

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Recreation of a classic Indian Vimana, a Vedic flying temple. Mythology or were there such flying devices?

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Aldelan from the planet Aarmon in the Pleiadian star system is a commander of the Ashtar Command in the Galactic Federation.

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The villlains of the SKY GODZ universe, the Ciakar Dracos, Anunnaki scientist Sargon and renegade Samana.
Be very afraid!

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The classic Zeta Greys as they're experienced in abductions are still the image most people have of what extraterrestrials look like.

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The Anunnaki main cast from SKY GODZ season 1 are the royal half-siblings Nin, Enki and Enlil in the anime style of the show.

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Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the smartest and most likeable characters in SKY GODZ season 1.

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The universe is full of diversity but most of all beauty... like this colorful being from Vega in the Lyran constellation.

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Anon Sa Ra from Altair is an administrator at the Galactic Federation on Sirius B and a close confidant of commander Ashtar.

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Huitzilopchtli is the the god of war and the sun in Aztec mythology. He's also the partron god of the Mexicas...

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