Get those - do something YOU relax and have fun!
1. Go here:
2. Draw
3. Describe
4. Laugh!
It's the drawing & describing game!

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Get that - do something YOU , relax and have fun!
1. Go here:
2. Draw
3. Describe
4. Laugh!
It's the drawing & describing game!

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"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations" Pics from: Come and chill out with us - draw, describe and laugh!

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It's - creativity and art are a great way to destress. Come and join a game of the drawing and describing game.

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As a student you can now also sell your art from our website. Read about success stories! Artist: Kassi Gregory

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Fancy drawing us a picture? Pop into Interference - and have a laugh! Great if you're feeling stressed or frazzled! Recharge your batteries! Give your mind a break for 10 minutes!

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Remember today is the last day to get 50% discount on all our courses! Type the discount code HALLOWEEN in at checkout to get 50% off!

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Beautiful student work from Anindita Dwivedi. Join our community to take part in our weekly art challenges

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Get that - do something YOU , relax and have fun!
1. Go here:
2. Draw
3. Describe
4. Laugh!
It's the drawing & describing game!

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Halloween Special!!! Get 50% off from all our courses and course bundles.

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You can now get 50% discount on our HALLOWEEN special ending 3rd November 2018. Use code HALLOWEEN

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Get that - draw a picture!
1. Go here:
2. Draw
3. Describe
4. Laugh!
It's the drawing & describing game!

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Student Art work. Inner child Anindita Dviwedi - visit our website to read about her art therapy journey.

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Fancy drawing us a picture? Pop into Interference - and have a laugh! Great if you're feeling stressed or frazzled! Recharge your batteries! Give your mind a break for 10 minutes!

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Art Therapy with Others. Course info. Get all the info from our website.

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