지인분이그려준짱너구리 자랑합니다

47 98

여러분 새해 복 많이 받아용
태준짱도 많이 받구 영우랑 쎄쎄쎄 해라

11 21

💛준수여신님 뱃지💛
여신님이 보고계셔😍

공구한다면 하실분 계실까요..?
은도금+일반칠 할 예정이고 사이즈는 아직 어떡해 해야할지 고민중입니다!

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준짱 그림 그린거 귀여웠어

1 5

올만에 그리는 준짱

0 5

안뇽하세요 준짱 늦덕인 그림쟁이입니다..!! 샤톧으로 입덕해서 준짱 뮤지컬 콘서트 가리지않고 따라댕기는 중이예요 저랑 예쁜 쥰수 앓아주실분 구합니다..❣

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I've been keeping the "full anime version" a surprise, but it wasn't used, so I'm finally posting them😆

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I wish an happy birthday to Heejun !
He’s an artist I admire. I’m always happy too hear his voice and I’m so impressed by his stage presence and the way he dances.

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Happy Birthday Heejunie !!! 💕🎉🎊
The little kid is getting older ! 🤭

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🧚🏻‍♀️ Because I've got nothing better to do with my life. Dating sim version.

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🧚🏻‍♀️ I've resisted the urge to draw the other members' recent selcas these past few days (with great efforts)... but Heejun's smile totally got me 😂

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Since I've started with Heejun with that stupid drawing, I drew some clothes for him before continuing. 😂
So Heejun in Paris, and 190719 Heejun. Because those are my faves.

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🧚🏻‍♀️That wasn't my plan for this drawing but... Oh well...
Happy 4th anniversary ! 🥰🎂

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