The Legendary just picked up 1 of the 3 last remaining Popcorn trait Bloonz rock on you living legend you! 🤩🎸

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Pieter Aertsen. Known as Lange Pier because he was so tall. Here, Meat Stall from 1551, putting the insides (and even outsides) right in your face. But what's that behind all?

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Miguel de Cervantes He became a soldier in 1570 and was badly wounded in the Battle of Lepanto. Captured by the Turks in 1575, Cervantes spent five years in prison. before he was ransomed and returned home.

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Ultimo intento para hacer un aquino y duxo chikito

Coordenadas :(1575,556) 0.4x

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Jan Massys of Antwerp. Here, a Holy Family w/ problematic dynamic: Dad is just not part of the love! Sad!

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Pieter Aertsen. Known as Lange Pier because he was so tall. Here, the Meat Stall from 1551, putting the insides (and even the outsides) right in your face. But what's that behind it all?

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Pilgrims for the Holy Year 1575, Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri, in or after 1575 (Rijksmuseum)
The 'new' St Peter's rises up behind the 'old' here.

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George Turberville, The Booke of Faul[conrie or Hau]king for the o[nely de]light and pleasure of all Nobleme[n & Gentlemen]. London : Imprinted ... for Christopher Barker, 1575, G.2372.(1.)

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Jan Massys of Antwerp. Here, a Holy Family w/ problematic dynamic: Dad is just not part of the love!

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The Finding of Moses, by Paolo Veronese (Italian), 1575,

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OTD 1575, Two heroes of Elizabethan history , Francis Drake and John Norreys assaulted and took Sorley Boy McDonnell's castle on Rathlin Island then scoured the island putting every man, woman & child to the sword. Possibly 600 were slaughtered-Essex was well-pleased with result

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Pieter Aertsen. Also known as Lange Pier because he was so tall! Here, his amazing Meat Stall from 1551, putting the insides (and even outsides) right in your face. But what's that behind all?

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Pilgrims for the Holy Year 1575, Giovanni Battista de'Cavalieri, in or after 1575 (Rijksmuseum)
The 'new' St Peter's rises up behind the 'old' here.

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La série d’une vie : Greco, Le Christ chassant les marchands du Temple. 1570, 1575, 1600 et 1610-1614.

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in 1575, was born, one of the favourite artists of Queen Henrietta Maria, Charles I’s wife. The Baroque master’s ‘Cleopatra with the Asp’ is currently on loan from the Royal Collection to in Durham.

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La fortuna di Guido Reni (1575, 1642), allievo dei Carracci a Bologna, fu di aver saputo unire la grazia raffaellesca alla nuova visione caravaggesca dell'interpretazione pittorica.

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Novembre è mese di nascite importanti per l'arte del Seicento. Il ma del 1575, nasceva a Guido Reni. Lo ricordiamo con il Putto dormiente esposto a Palazzo Barberini

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Joris Hoefnagel's jackalope, ca. 1575, is certainly Old World:

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Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Autoportrait vers 1575,

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Jan Massys
(b. ca. 1510, Antwerpen, d. 1575,...

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