By the 19thc, Europe’s forests had been the site of richly dark tales & art. But they had also seen the real horrors of war. Following Romanticism, artists could, at last, be honest about it all & foreground the darkness itself. The thing with history is that it repeats…

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If I had to pick one fairy tale I loved as a child, it was Bluebeard. Brought to life by Charles Perrault in 1697, & illustrated below by Doré & Dalziel in the 19thc, the tale’s themes of forbidden secrets & the perils of curiosity were as old as Pandora 😱🗝#FairyTaleTuesday

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Imagining cool evenings with sherbets/drink in this unbearably humid Bombay November.
A portrait of an EIC Official,mid 19thC,Punjab plains .Love his Indianised outfit.

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A folio from a scroll of meditative chakras depicting divinities Shiva and Shakti seated in a floral seat, perhaps lotus,
18th,19thC, Rajasthan, Bonhams

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In Britain, since at least late 19thC, it was thought to be bad luck to mend clothes whilst they were still being worn. What form the ill fortune would take varied from being cursed never to be rich to having evil thought/spoken of the unlucky one

🎨 AJ Murray

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In the mid-19thC, the stained glass artist Thomas Willement FSA restored the medieval church of St Mary Magdalene in Faversham. These are some of his of wall paintings (since obscured) around the arch. See them & hear more at our conference:

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FAO attendees, we’d love some Victorianist papers at Victorian responses to & remediations of Romanticism, Romanticism’s persistence through the 19thC, its transformation by & thru new technologies (fitting in with our theme of ‘New Romanticisms’)

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"Mad tea parties" held in asylums in and be attended for a fee; Alice in Wonderland plays with these ☕️

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Women and a young girl under cherry tree
Attr. to Chobunsai Eishi 鳥文斎栄之 1756–1829
19thC, 117x49 cm

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Hope you like these hand-stitched chairs (18thC,19thC, 20thC) 17" x 21"

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