We created our first inspired outfit in 3d! ⚔️
Check out the awesome and the even more awesome 🐉
Read more about it in our Dungeon Full Dive dev update:

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Worked lately on my first full

Started from a cave troll skeleton, I've been inspired by Venom and Alien.

This also helped me a lot to understand better the human anatomy.
Now I just need to render it!

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Introducing "19th-Century British Mansion" by El_Tau!

We've hidden our mascot in various places inside the see if you can find Conie in each

Get a closer view here👉 https://t.co/B0bD7a2mHy

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Hello! I finished It's printing now but I want to show the process! Hope you like it!

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Here's our Bennu again! :D
This time we want to show you the progress! From the to the

Thank you , for sharing and commenting on our previous post! :D

3D model made by Patryk Suchański
Art made by Natalia Bujalska

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