"SADEQUAIN was one of the first Pakistani artists to gain international recognition, embarking on his notable career with an award from the Biennale de Paris in 1961"

7 15

"No tengas miedo de pasar tiempo de calidad contigo mismo"

"Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself"


14 31

Sisifo,proletario degli dèi, impotente e ribelle,conosce tutta l'estensione della sua miserevole condizione: è a questa che pensa durante la discesa
Non esiste destino che non possa essere superato dal disprezzo...

3 7

"Lo peor de la peste no es que mata a los cuerpos, sino que desnuda las almas y ese espectáculo suele ser horroroso."
Albert Camus

7 14

"Lo peor de la peste no es que mata a los cuerpos, sino que desnuda las almas y ese espectáculo suele ser horroroso"

3 4

Ho compreso, infine,
che nel bel mezzo dell’inverno,
ho scoperto che vi era in me
un’invincibile estate.
E che ciò mi rende felice.

💙#TeneraÈLaNotte🌹 per🍀#SalaLettura
Alfons Mucha-The-Seasons-1896

79 140

"If only I had a moon.."
Oguri Shun as Caligula in Bunkamura theater cocoon 2007
It was a happy accident that i found this theatrical performance.Never been really interested in theatre. Before.

1 2

"Voy a decirte algo; los pensamientos nunca son honestos. Las emociones sí."

1 3

"Devant cette nuit chargée de signes et d’étoiles, je m’ouvrais pour la première fois à la tendre indifférence du monde".

[+ - 👉 "Ante aquella noche cargada de signos y de estrellas, me abría por 1ª vez a la tierna indiferencia del mundo"].

0 0

Happy Birthday, Corita Kent. | Love Justice | 1968 | "I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice." —Albert Camus

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