Join us for online events this month, like the Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart (18th-22nd February)!

Geoffroy de La Tour-Landry, Livre du Chevalier de La Tour Landry,
Translated by Marquart von Stein.
Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger, 1498.
3rd ed. in German

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A highlight in our catalogue for Stuttgarter (January 24-26, Stand 71) is rare copy of 1 of finest works on by Johann Elias Ridinger (Augsburg, 1768), with 127 beautiful plates. Find out more:

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Lured away from to pull our booksled to (Jan 24-26).

A we'll bring is J.E. Ridinger's "Geschilderte Thier-Reich" (1768).

Stay tuned for more info. Meanwhile, check out another Ridinger:

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Check out our list for the Stuttgarter Antiquariatsmesse (Jan 27/9). Download here:

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