So. Many. Wars.

Between Britain and France in the years 1792 to 1815.

If you're writing fiction in that period, this could be a big help.

A resource for Regency authors.

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My version of the vintage book cover of Thumbelina 🧡🌸✨
It was quite the challenge but so much fun. I love illustrating magical book covers and can’t wait for someday to illustrate my first actual book cover with my name on it.

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When her enemies push her too far, Saeda shows them the meaning of rough seas..!
From author N.R Mayfield, Demi Mondaine Volume II, coming soon...!

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Would you guys like to connect on other platforms? Will follow everyone back on them

Here's mine




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Kayla: Terrell, cant this thing go any faster...??
Terrell: Just hold on...! Im trying...!
Ramu: I'm tired of you two...!
This scene is based on author Ben Christian book story 🙂

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