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レトロゲームクイズ解答編 56日目




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この2本のお陰でそれまでRPGが好きでなかった自分がRPGをやる切っ掛けになった(* >ω<)


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Brave Fencer Musashi will always be one of my all time favorite. 🥲

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I put Musashi in a Minku kigu...but I don't think he likes it.

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Day 114-
A simple one today, a minku from Brave Fencer Musashi. Those little friggers are such a pain to catch but they're so dang cute it's impossible for me to get mad at em.

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Day 73-
My favorite non-Breath-of-Fire game! I played through it last year and not to be dramatic but at some points I'd feel my heart ache because it was feeling too much love for the damn game.

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Been feeling a bit burned out this week. So I thought I'd make a few sketches or personal art to relax a bit.

Starting with one of my favorite RPGs from the PS1 era.

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BRING BACK MY BOI MUSASHI! 🗣🗣 I love him so much 😭😭

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My contribution to the as a nice little warm up. I loved gawking at the cover art and instruction manual for this game as a kid! If you haven't played this yet it's a must!

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Brave Fencer Musashiden’s one of my all-time favorite games, and the Ice Dragon’s a beloved boss...

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from Twin Mountains
(without Cherry blossom)

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Tribute/fan art to one of my fave games.
I want this game to come to the newer sytems just to replay it.

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The drawing I did for my icon! Brave Fencer Musashi is my favorite PS1 game. It's so nostalgic for me.

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One of my favorite games. I used to play this on the reg back in the day. So I had to up my boyee,

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