If you haven't already heard, got a bit of a smooshing in a recent publication (https://t.co/gMqFl0mov5) has been a fun topic of many illustrators. For the what new chunky body would you give this charismatic extinct taxa?

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Our Snow White Cichlid (Pseudotropeus Socolofi) for This red-eyed lady broods her young in her mouth from eggs till small fry. Fits of “white fish.” Named Q-Tip because she is white and was not much larger than the tip of a Q-tip when we got her.

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its a or travelling across the ocean in massive circumglobal They can achieve wingspans of up to 7 meters and have a beautiful propensity for belly flops!

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A Coal Grunter about to dine on prawn for feat. a fish & their invertebrate prey. They’re predatory fish & particularly dig prawns. It was suggested a while back to draw this Australian freshwater fish by a fan of my art.

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''living fossils'' : sturgeon

Sketch a fish "unaffected by time." By that I mean, with lineages where species now look similar to many of their extinct relatives (e.g., gar, coelacanth).

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of the aquarium for German Blue Ram Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi) vs. the “Bengal” Tiger Barb (Puntigrus pentazona). Love the challenging prompt to sketch 2 fish species I’d like to see battle in the 2022

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I recently recycled a sketch… I really lile the as Rudolph 🥳🤩☃️🦈

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Watercolor of a Clown Triggerfish for this I have never sketched Triggerfishes (Balistidae) or Filefishes (Monacanthidae) so the of “Pick a species of triggerfish or filefish and draw away” was a real challenge for me.

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Pinup reverse mermaid stamp for this week's

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For this week of "fish and what they eat", I wanted to talk about pumpkinseed. Thanks to its pharyngeal jaw, this is one of the only centrarchid that can crush and eat snails and mollusks. It can even remove spiny waterflea spine b4 eating them!

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- colorful fish. A Red Roman- fish from South Africa commonly caught by commercial line fishers.

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For this week with "fish that are schooling" I present you the Lake Whitefish. During the fall, whitefish are forming impressive spawning run, which are often exploited as traditionnal fishing activities

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