attempt to manipulate thoughts of next generation by eliminating teachers with opinion opposite to government. is turning into are thriving to Please continue to by tracking our news.

18 53

Let’s look at some other blood spilled. These are our police officers who were attacked brutally by in Central today

0 4


262 283

We didn’t understand the intention of such a peaceful female didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡

51 85

Totally absurd!😡 should be sanctioned for their evil action
Video👇🏻 showing another situation, 2 riot just threw a down to the staircase, such action was cold-blooded 😢

14 13

T-posing HK rubbish bin, pose to P R O T E C C against oppression.
You're welcome.

3 5

Recall on 6•12
Outside Leg-Co, at least 8 brutally tortured a surrendered they used baton, long shield to assault her continuously. Another male rushed to save her but also being attacked
Far more had been occurred in 6•12
Never forgive

746 603

They are block the roads to buy a little bit time for running when riot raid to them.They know once they r arrested,they wl be abused & even murdered.But they always clear the roads 4 fire trucks,ambulances & emergency needed.They are kind & innocence

276 385

See how treated They do it broad daylight, can you imagine what level they treat hkprotesters behind the camera?

394 332

Hong Kong joke.

5 1

Last night has people said he saw 13 more with3 car stay at May be we will find body in sea near then on today. It true . Police said he is drown. but his body no swell , he is bleeding and his eyes beaten.

5 4

Say no to arresting young even children under 14. Under Hong Kong law, children are defined as being under 14 years of age

22 23

Private Lennon Wall . Blue Chinazi ‘s hair cut by

2 2

How do we say 丁到出血 in English😂😂😂

8 15