It’s time we stopped judging disability with visibility! Be curious, ask questions, learn.

4 18

U were a million miles away but you feel a bit to closenowpleasedonthitmeletstalkitoutman

0 4

a hellish place
dreams lost and forgotten
repeating bouts of deep despair
no more

🎨, mine

5 19

Today is - In addition to hashtags, I will be donating portions of every order from my art boutique to the in support of Mental Health Initiatives. 🧵⬇️

9 52

Afternoon! With FoF & Santa Apollo drawing to an end, what item(s) did you enjoy the most? For me, I was really hyped over the Evening Tide Grayscale Wallpaper.

0 1

Uuuuuh can I get a day 170 of with the order being a ZM-S20S Jabaco?

Look at this lad.


4 25

At least it hasn't been a month. Welcome to day 169 of which is on the ZM-S19S, Shy-Tarn.


11 81

Good afternoon! What is your favorite *type* of design on I really love scenic designs that look like there is trees or mountains. What about you?

0 1

Continuing on, day 166 of and it's on the ZM-S09G, Tomliat. I think I namedropped this one on the previous LTG. Nice how it came around.


4 45

Alright so it's *checks calendar* day 162 of and it's on the ZM-D11S Abigor.

Not the one from Build Fighters.


15 93

Sup. Took a short break but now I'm back with day 159, and it's on the ZM-S06S, Zoloat, a unit with cat eyes.


5 29

Ya'll remember the Jamesgun? Well today we're doing a (day 158) on its sibling, the RGM-122 Javelin.

Thoughts on this longshot?

12 92

What was I doing?

Oh right!

day 156! It's on the LM314V23/24 Victory 2 Assault-Buster Gundam. I probably should've just done this and not doing the Assault and Buster variants seperate.

Ah well. Thoughts?

7 43

Back on it with day 155 of and it's on the other other variant of the V2, the LM314V24, Victory 2 Assault Gundam.

Look at them shoulders.


3 18

I hope you're ready for some V2 variants cos its day 154 of and we'll be talking about the LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam, or the V2 Buster for the sake of word count.


8 76

Sup. Day 152 of today, and it's going to be a very short one.

Today we'll have the LM312V06+SD-VB03A, the V-Dash Gundam Hexa, or the Dash Hexa from here on out.

Like the V-Dash, I'll only focus on the new stuff here.


1 22

Onwards and upwards

Day 151 of is on the LM312V06, Victory Gundam Hexa, or henceforth known as the Hexa for the sake of the word count.


7 50